In The News
Cody Choraliers Host Tofu Concern
for "Friends and Neighbors" Show
Cody Choraliers provide "Special Music"
for the Sunday Service at First Presbyterian Church

The City of Leavenworth Declares April 2024
"Barbershop Harmony Month"

Cody Choraliers Name Willie Spangler
2023 Barbershopper of the Year

The City of Leavenworth Declares April 2023
"Barbershop Harmony Month"

Cody Choraliers join Platte City Community Band in Americana Concert

Possum Holler Four Sings at Leavenworth Historical Festival
The quartet sang for a number of guests, visitors, and vendors at the Festival and then went around to several shops and stores in the area and sang a few songs to employees and customers.
The City of Leavenworth Declares April 2022
"Barbershop Harmony Month"